The Inca Civilization
The Inca civilization began during the year 1438 and they settled all over Peru.
its capital was called Cusco.
They were located in South America and are part of the most important cultures in the world,
c) The governors of theirs (Suyuyuq): There were four rulers of each of theirs.
d) The crown prince (Auqui): The ‘Auqui’ tradition was established by Pachacutec, founder of
e) The high priest (Willaq Uma): He ruled the religious ceremonies with the Inca.
f) The amautas (Hamawt’a): Sages who prepared the Inca elite.
g) The general of the imperial army (Apuskipay): Commanded the troops during wars
The Inca Families were organized into groups based on Kinship, or blood relationship.
They made practical use of their advanced engineering skills to adapt to the mountainous terrain.
The Incas had great engineering skills and they used these abilities to adapt to their mountains,
Another example of their engineering abilities is Machu Picchu, built in 1400.
When Spanish Conquistador, Francisco Pizarro, arrived in 1532, the Incas were fighting amongst
end of the Inca Empire.
It consisted of a central government with the Incas at the helm and four provincial governments with
strong leaders:
Chinchasuyu, Antisuyu, Kuntisuyu and Qullasuyu.Pachacuti is believed to have built Machu Picchu,
either as a family home or summer retreat, although it may have been a station agricultural.
since they have left us a lot of culture.
Ica government were highly organized, The had a politic based on the Monarchy, where the emperor
was called the Sepa Inca and was considered a descendant of the sun god
a) The Inca: He was the highest authority of the empire. Emperors were attributed a divine origin
and titles such as ‘Sapa inca’ (divine Inca).
b) The imperial council: It was the maximum entity dedicated entirely to the advice of the Inca.
It was made up of 8 people.
Machu Picchu. His son Túpac Yupanqui was the first ‘auqui’.
surrounding in other ways, building suspension bridges, using vines and wood, irrigation canals
because of the arid climate, and a system of roads that helped keep the empire unified.
themselves in a fierce civil war between two sons of the Inca ruler Wayna Qhapaq. Pizarro skillfully
persuaded some of the factions created by civil unrest to turn against their own people, successfully
increasing his small army of only 168 men. The Spaniards succeeded, in part, because of their
manipulation of ideological power, or the ability to have people readily accept your agenda, without
considering other options. Pizarro correctly discerned that the Inca people placed a large amount of
ideological power on the Inca kings, who were considered living gods. By ruthlessly, and publicly,
killing the Inca king in each region he conquered, Pizarro took the power held by Incan royalty, and
gave it to the Spanish: the people who could kill gods. This created local assistance which, along
with outside factors, allowed the Spanish to completely conquer the region by 1572, marking the