

Past perfect continuous

Funciones del "past perfect continuous"
El "past perfect continuous" se corresponde con el "present perfect continuous" pero se refiere a un tiempo anterior al pasado reciente. Como ocurre con el "present perfect continuous", nos interesa más el proceso que el resultado.

- Had you been waiting long before the taxi arrived?
- He has been thinking of calling her
- It had been raining hard for several hours and the streets were very wet.
Esta construcción se emplea también en el estilo indirecto ("reported speech"). Es el equivalente del "past continuous" y del "present perfect continuous" utilizados en el estilo directo ("direct speech"):

  • Jane said, "I have been gardening all afternoon." = Jane said she had been gardening all afternoon.

  • When the police questioned him, John said, "I was working late in the office that night." = When the police questioned him, John told them he had been working late in the office that night.

Formación del "past perfect continuous"
El "past perfect continuous" está compuesto por dos elementos: el "past perfect" del verbo to be (=had been) + el "present participle" del verbo principal (raíz+ing).

Sujetohad beenraíz + ing
Ihad beenwalking
Shehad beentrying
Shehadn't beensleeping
Had youbeeneating?
Interrogativa negativa
Hadn't theybeenliving?

Past perfect vs. Past perfect continuous